Saline removal is the process of removing cosmetic tattoos using a standard tattoo machine and a gentle saline solution.

Why choose saline removal over laser removal?

Saline removal is significantly more gentle, faster and more predictable than laser tattoo removal. While laser can be very effective for very large tattoos on the body, its not always ideal for removing color, especially light colors and pink and red colors. In fact, some pigments can change color or even turn black with laser tattoo removal. Saline removal can be used on any color and generally turns the pigments a lighter version of itself until it is completely removed.

What does it look like after removal?

Like any other form of removal, sometimes it looks worse before it gets better. The area to be removed will form a scab, similar to the way your skin looks after getting a tattoo. The area can look thickened and dark. After the scab falls off naturally, the fresh healed skin below often times looks a bit pinkish but will return to normal skin color, usually within a couple of weeks.

I had cosmetic tattoos done today and I hate it, how soon can I start removal?

Great news!!! If your cosmetic tattoos were done improperly, it can be removed SAME DAY. However, if it is not same day, you will need to wait for your skin to heal, usually 4 weeks, to begin removal. The more fresh the cosmetic tattoos are, the easier they will be to remove.

Am I a candidate for saline tattoo removal?

Most people are candidates! Here’s who isn’t: people prone to hyperpigmentation, people who cannot resist the urge to pick their scabs, people who have a medical issue that gets in the way of wound healing. If you’re unsure if you’re a candidate, please send an email with as much info as possible as well as photos of your tattoos you’d like to remove.

How many sessions will it take?

Sadly, there are no guarantees. Some will take one session, some will take 10. It depends on MANY factors. How old is the tattoo? Was it microblading or a machine tattoo? how many sessions and layers of ink have been implanted into the skin? Is the color dark? Are you trying to remove the tattoo completely or just lighten it enough to tattoo something different?

What’s the healing process like?

Day 1: Removal area will be red, possibly rashy looking.

Day 2-10: removal area will have a scab over it.

Day 10-4 weeks post procedure: scabs will fall off naturally. After the scabs have fallen off, skin will appear pinkish. During this time, Vitamin E oil and SPF will be your bff’s.

Can lip blush be removed with your saline removal technique?

Sadly, at this time, tattoos on your actual lips cannot be removed. However, if the lip was tattooed outside of the natural lipline, this technique is very effective at removing the overdrawn portion.

What is the recommended aftercare?

This cannot be stressed enough: CLEAN AND DRY. You will need to keep the area as dry as possible during the scabbing stage of your healing process. Water should make as little contact with the area as possible during the entire 7-10 days. This includes any activities that involve sweating. Saunas, steam rooms, jacuzzis, swimming and exercise are prohibited. After the scabs have fallen off, you’ll need to apply vitamin E oil and stay out of the sun as much as possible until the skin has returned to it’s normal color.