Lash Lift & Brow Lamination


Lash Lifts and Brow Lamination are the semi-permanent chemical treatments to the eyelashes/eyebrows that allows the hairs to be more easily styled. Think of it as a perm or a Keratin treatment.

the basics

  • lasts around 8 weeks

  • doesn’t hurt

  • takes about an hour to do

  • A Lash Lift is essentially a perm to your eyelashes. If your lashes point downward, are very straight, or you just love a good lash curl, this is for you.

  • Brow Lamination is a process in which a solution is applied to your brows that both straightens and smooths the hair. This is beneficial for clients who have a very strong growth pattern and brow gel simply does not work for. After Lamination, the brows become much more easily styled. If you wish to brush your brows up, great. Do you like just the fronts tall and fluffy but a smooth back half? Go for it.

how should i prepare

  • For lash lifts, please remove contact lenses prior to the service.

  • Be sure to schedule your appointment for a time that you can keep your lashes and/or brows in a “cute” position for the next 4-6 hours. It is not advised to leave your appointment and then immediately, say, smash your face into a chiropractor’s face cradle.


Lash Lift $100 Brow Lamination$100

combo $175