Lip Blush is the most natural looking cosmetic tattooing technique for enhancing lip color. Sometimes referred to as “watercolor lips”, it is a sheer wash of color that leaves your lips looking healthy and full.

the basics

  • Lasts anywhere from 3-4 years before needing a touchup

  • Heals quickly (around 3-5 days).

  • Is best for a client seeking a subtle enhancement. This is not a lipstick replacement. Lip Blush simply makes your lips look naturally flushed without the use of makeup.

  • There are limitless color combinations that are custom formulated for your lips. Lip blush is not one-size-fits-all.

how to prepare

  • THE MOST IMPORTANT thing that cannot be stressed enough: If you have EVER had even ONE coldsore, you MUST take Valtex or a Valtrex equivalent for 5 days pre and post Lip Blush. Failure to do so will more than likely cause a very intense coldsore outbreak.

  • Keep your lips as hydrated and as free from chapped spots as possible leading up to your appointment. Lip scrubs and heavy moisturizers are encouraged. This will help ensure a smooth healed result.

  • Avoid blood thinning agents if possible. Alcohol, advil, aspirin, fish oil, caffeine should all be avoided as much as possible. ALWAYS consult your medical professional before stopping any medications.


  • For 3-5 days, your lips will need to be kept moist with A&D ointment.

  • Lips should be kept out of the sun

  • No exercise, swimming, sauna until lips are completely healed.

  • No toothpaste for the first week. Not only is it painful on healing lips, but it can pull color out of the tattoo.

  • All liquids should be taken through a straw. Care must be taken while eating to minimize food making contact with lips. Now is not the time to bite into a burger.

am i a candidate?

  • The answer is NO if any of the following apply to you: 

    Pregnant or nursing

    Undergoing chemotherapy treatments (6-12 months after completing with physician approval)

    Use of Accutane in the last 12 months

    Psoriasis, rash or sunburn on or around the treatment area

    Cold/flu/viral infections or disease

    Chemical peel or laser in the past 30 days



    Major heart problems

    Pervious permanent makeup done by another artist that you did NOT have approved. If you have previous cosmetic tattooing, you must submit a clear, makeup free photo prior to booking.

    If you arrive to your appointment with any of the above contraindications,

    you will forfeit your non-refundable deposit

  • Due to the very sheer nature of this technique, not all lips are candidates for Lip Blush. Extremely melanin rich lips may not be best served using this technique. All persons interested in Lip Blush are asked to submit a clear photo for approval prior to booking. This can be done via email at

  • Complimentary Facetime and in-person consultations are available.


$500 initial $200 touchup

one more thing…

  • Because some lasers used in skincare react poorly with ink, it is advised that you alert your laser technicians that you have cosmetic tattooing on your lips so that they may take extra care to avoid the area.